The Secret to Many More Happy New Years

According to research, regular and intense exercise will add many New Years to your life. But then if you’re a students of Jay’s and Hollywood Total Fitness, you already know that.  Read below for the facts.

We’ve been slowed by the holidays but continue to make progress on the new studio.  We hope to have something to announce next week.

Help ensure a long life for you and your loved ones.  Special low pre-opening pricing is still available for studio memberships and private lessons with Jay.  Register now for individual memberships or couple, family, and private packages.

Happy New Year from Jay, Troy, Marc, Sammy, and the team at Hollywood Total Fitness


From The Right Dose of Exercise for a Longer Life:

Two  large scale studies show the magic formula to long life.  Work out an average of an hour a day or more with at least a third of that in an intense program or activity.  This level reduces your risk of dying prematurely by about 50%.

Intensity. Those who spent more than 30 percent of their exercise time in strenuous activities [like Jay’s Kickboxing] gained an extra 13 percent reduction in early mortality.

Duration. The more you work out, including moderate fitness like brisk walking, the longer you typically will live.

  • Those who exercised a little lowered their risk of premature death by 20 percent.
  • Those who met the typical recommendation of  150 minutes per week had a 31 percent less risk of dying.
  • The sweet spot was 450 minutes per week, or about an hour per day.  These people  were 39 percent less likely to die prematurely.
  • Above that level the benefits plateaued and never significantly declined.

Does lifting weights interfere with kickboxing workouts?

Should you work the weights before or after kickboxing class or neither?  Some fitness expert say they should be done in a certain order or on different days.  The research is in in Weights Before Cardio?

The answer —  It doesn’t matter.    The workouts don’t interfere with one another. Get in your gym time whenever it works best with your schedule. So Just Do It!  Cross-training is excellent for overall fitness. I personally prefer to lift weights before class.